
Artist Series lass gram department

 "Class gram department chief Si, where do we need check in?"Compared Mo ground to come out one silk in eyes red light.
That kind of the red light isn't strength of red light, but for the ray of light of the desire of war!
See.Compare Mo ever is the troops' warrior ground the hearsay was true.Because only once experienced the person of real life and death on the battlefield, would own that kind of taste, own that kind of to love blood ground**!
"We go to a Ni gram Si city and command his highness to check in there."The class gram Si sees ratio Mo ground taste, wrinkly knit the brows.
But ratio Mo's imitating a Buddha completely don't see a class the taste of the gram Si similar.Lightly licked to lick own lips, peeped out the smiling face of loving the blood!
"Wei strange space, you come over for a while."Kevin suddenly towards blunt recruited to beckon with the hand week night.
"How?"Week night hurtle the impression to Kevin not good, but also not calculate too bad.
"If I have an accident.You want to take good care of a moxa Fu a kind of insect for me.If you died.That is had better however.However I don't hope that you die, because I want the in front of a kind of insect at the moxa Fu and openly vanquish you!"Kevin looking at blunt week night, say chillily.
"Trust, I will definitely look after good moxa Fu a kind of insect ground.As for vanquish me, your whole life didn't hope!"Hurtle one Leng week night, immediately after and immediately and coolly an insolate.
"Hum!On the battlefield, if your in danger,cheap dr dre beats, I will save yours."Kevin obviously very disdains to to the blunt week night.
"Do you save me?Play trick!"It is blunt to feel week night that oneself had some to cut up rough.
"Hum!The Chu son of first time last battlefield is just.I three ranks of time .Once took part in troops ground to fight."The Kevin despise ground says.
"Once take part in again how?I let you knowledge knowledge what be called the Azrael of battlefield."The blunt not resigned to playing second fiddle ground says week night.
Kevin says hurtle for this kind of battlefield week night right, absolutely is a beginning elder brother.But for the combat, not unfamiliar, although he doesn't understand to the battlefield here.But now.He has confidence at least protect he can't die.
Kevin disdains to of twisted a head to keep up with class gram Si and ratio Mo.It is blunt to looking at Kevin's figure week night, suddenly feel that this Kevin's seeming is pretty good.However is a little bit stupid!
"Wei strange space, time fight, is still caution some.Although that Kevin is a bit stupid, what he reminded not is don't make sense."The hero rare card walked to come over from the flank.
"I know.However my responsibility is protection long princess, when the time comes perhaps I need not up the battlefield."Is blunt week night somehow or other, suddenly said so 1.
"Chicken heart!This princess will definitely the front line for battlefield go.Hum!You stay Si city at the Ni gram and do a feed on for swine monster of!"The hero rare card obviously hurtles this sentence to the week night very dissatisfied.
"Open a fun just, I how can lose that big stupid person to Kevin."Is blunt to immediately feel very despondent week night, oneself how just so stupid, say such a don't wear the words of brains.
"Hum!"Flung out a word in hero's rare card nose, catch up class gram department chief Si.
"Class gram Si, long time no see!"Just acrossed into empire Ni gram the big debt of the Si city commander-in-chief, Ni gram Si city the commander-in-chief stood.
"Ha ha, Fu Lun commander-in-chief, we meeteach other again."Class gram department chief Si immediately and that commands warm and affectionate confabulation to get up.
Exchange greeting later on, class gram department chief Si immediately command with Fu Lun discussion since this time the problem of war.
"But ……Fu Lun, all of my students are the students who hasn't graduated, do like this can?"Class gram department chief Si's facial expression is suddenly dignified.
"Class gram Si, I know to do like this and be unsuited to proper.But now in my soldier, although troops' amount is numerous,the want for is enough strong.The war of Ba Dun's empire evil monster really makes me feel headache.However you trust, I will arrange enough troops to follow behind yours."Fu Lun obviously also some not so good meaning let these completely inexperienced in society small guys take part in combat.
"That is all right!Originally we came this time, be for the sake of experience war, now that have the opportunity to take part in combat, perhaps to them, wasn't a bad matter either."Although the class gram Si not too wishes,Artist Series, but the victory or defeat of empire war, compared with the meaning that a few students come to experience personally combat, can completely different.
The class gram Si got a task and immediately left a big debt and found out blunter than Mo and week night they.
"Is very sorry, the experience this time has fluctuation and probably needs you to directly join combat."Class gram once department chief Si change the image in past and become to be worry.
Although these kid's real strenght is very strong, after all is the new D with never ascended battlefield, the new D like this is the proportion had among the person who dies in battle on the battlefield is the biggest.
Originally say that each person that smile immediately became to silently have no voice interest.Only, in ratio Mo and Kevin's eyes deeply of but is a desire, but the then obvious misgiving in the others eyes.But hurtle but feel some expectation week night, but again a bit not that rest assured.
"Our tasks is to lead a 3,000 people's crack big brigade, assault to be located in to add Lai because of department in Hebei 100 inside of Ba Dun empire war the evil monster supply base.According to the intelligence report that we get, there is a myriad people with crack Ba Dun's empire infantry regiment there guarding, also have the war of five eight ranks evil monster.Their get generally is the evil Dou teacher of eight ranks, so we the task this time, very the Jian is huge."Class the gram Si Be saying and opening the map that he brings.
To attain destination they need from add Lai because of the place of river downstream 200 insides, pass through to add Lai because of the river, then round to go 300 inside, so as to arrive that base.That base, construction among a valley, the mountain peak knife of both sides pares ax to split, common of the soldier can not climb at all, can get into from the entrance to valley.
See geography like this, blunt cannot help but wrinkling up eyebrows week night.

First chapter 9 adds a Rhine side

"Wei strange space, you stay a protection long princess.Others set out together with me tonight."The class gram Si finishes saying a task and immediately after says.
"Why?Can I not take part in?"Did not wait to hurtle objection week night, the hero rare card had been already jumped.
" I come just for squating down to see the other people acquiring honor here?"It was blunt to also follow to stand week night.
"The hero hopes princess Ka, this is the arrangement of his majesty."Class gram department chief Si have no to turn round a saying of leeway.
"Not, the father emperor once promises me, follow behind big brigade to act together."The hero rare card stares to have eyes.
Class gram department chief Si Song shrug shoulders Bang, stand stand hand, mean that oneself can not hope according to the hero the request of card to does, then turn round to walk to go out,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.
"Damn of and incredibly want me to stay here!"Hero rare card angry of a kick at tent up.
Hurtle but followed to make track for to go out week night, saw arrive a distance class the gram department chief Si's figure not, hurriedly made track for past.
"Class gram department chief Si, I think that you can select and appoint others to serve as this task."Department chief Si who is blunt to looking at a class of gram week night says, " because I ain't to come to protect chemisette, I am to come to take part in combat."
"This affair, you should go and measure with hero rare card princess company.If she agrees, I will select and appoint others to serve as this work."The class gram Si is again that speak.
"……" Is blunt to looking at a class of face of gram Si, know that how to says that he can't changes idea, either and had to sigh to at a stretch walk to return to again oneself week night.
"The hero of the high regard rare princess Ka's his highness, does the Ni feel that we stay here whether is very boring?"Is blunt week night and looking at just at angry not already of the hero is rare card, inclined depend on the tent.Raise cross-legged to constantly sway.
"Do I think?"The hero rare card threw a cold stare to hurtle week night.
", My good heavens!Originally our hero's hoping princess Ka's cold stare is also beauty so!Ou ……"blunt week night intentionally exaggerated of say, but end ……
"You ……damn!"The hero rare card immediately touches Related articles:

