
cheap beats our of run to nearby

Wheat's becoming male is frightenned by his words and helplessly ask a way:"Did that shelf drum also have no?"
"Certainly, big drum we pour is have a lot."
Is thoroughly helpless, they the electronic musical instrument is little to be pitiful here, in addition to electronic organ, the rest can neglect, electronic organ?!Have, the wheat became male to suddenly thought of a dance music, and be regard electronic organ as principle move of, although is a bit monotonous, as long as after you once listenned to, will definitely the blood seethe, he heads for electronic organ eager to have a try.
"Boy, you let go for me, that is that I has a meal of thing, if broke for me, I allowed you to use a pair the director compensate."The farmland dint becomes male to want at the sight of the wheat his darling baby, urgently get two eyes all greatly 1 turn,Beats Solo HD.
"Ha ha, stop worrying, I once moved back and forth this ocean trifle, the lo was all right."
The wheat becomes male in brief after tuning up, shut eyes to return to give it a bit of thought a song table hard, two hand sonorous and forceful of press at electronic organ up, the note spares no effort and, smoothly don't lose strength explode, the farmland dint walked to half of body forms to also stop down, this musical sound plays with him at ordinary times those sentiment of but dissimilarity, the rhythm is joyful emollient, hear let in the ear people immediately an earthquake, imitated a Buddha to contain general magic, operate the arms and legs immediately sway.
Didn't arrive half for minute, the wheat becomes male stop down, just felt fit, and this graceful Ma Ha really isn't a cover of, the only regret is this song to need two pianos to play together together, just can burst out to offer for sale the evil sound that person cans not but carry on.
The look in the eyes of the farmland dint the moment changed, tight favour of run to nearby, he takes out a cigarette to come to way:"My good heavens, too stick, your boy originally will also make music, just of that is too great, quickly teach me."
Wheat's becoming male has never become nervous to teach him, but asks a way:"You are here such an electronic organ, this song of mine had better need two electronic organs to play together just can perform effect, a root is useless, and still have to need the shelf drum to beat a point, so as to attain perfect effect."
The farmland dint is a red-blooded youth, on hearing his words, say right away:"Shelf drum's pouring is to have no, however electronic organ I pour is also seek a , one of my elder brothers, he is similar to me, all move back and forth this thing, let he, you wait me, I seek him to go to now."Farmland dint to music very Chi fan, otherwise also can't foolish in this.
Wheat become the male looking at him excitement of rush out to go, smile to shake a head, he then continues to practice with the electronic organ, of this dance music method combine not that difficult, change into professional to learn, estimating can learn very quickly, he continuously contacts two kinds of method of playings and feels to have no mistake, this just stops rest.
Didn't till the time in noon, the farmland dint has been already come back, and still brings back a high huge man, is also his good elder brothers in, Sun Xiao, two people's body figure very dissymmetry, farmland dint's hasing one is a very dominant name, but grow heel monkey, with name don't take a side at all, and that Xiao, name still very the text is weak, but grow is as similar as big gorilla, there is also a buck tooth, also the wild beast sends, these two guys if can together give musical performance, absolutely be extremely go together with.
" Male, quickly don't see, is all big man of, you not is have that interest, hurry you just played of to my elder brothers listen to for a while, I was fee a lot of salivas just makes him come of, can not make him disappoint, otherwise I will the life not protect."The farmland dint presses wheat to become male.
The wheat becomes male to again flick beginning open, two people all play electronic organ and know on listenning to very and not and very only, and Sun Xiao comes over here to looking at wheat to become a male way right away:"Really make people shocked, the rhythm is very strong, a good song, you are very good, quickly teach me."
Two guys returning is really the same bad habits find each other, is all one vice- hasty temper, the wheat becomes male to start teaching Sun Xiao Qu the table, the farmland dint looking at in a side, then way:"Feeding is bothering so, you directly write out have to not, we are slowly two practice, two can fix."
If the wheat becomes male to really want to knock silly this guy with the electronic organ, if he will and also use wear so bother, not so bad Sun Xiao's statures is tall but the brain is very vivid, wait wheat the male teach when he is the second himself composed to write out and connected down himself press table the son can practice alone.
It's farmland dint's turn of time,Artist Series, the wheat becomes male is thoroughly despise him some kind of, because this guy even the song composes all don't return to pick, also repeatedly say that oneself is music a person, Sun Xiao writes out the second table son, their two people all start slowly a practice.
The still differing of the end is a shelf drum, there is no equipments at, wheat's becoming male doesn't know as well where sought to just go, had in not so bad set ability person, listenned to them two to in great disorderly give musical performance, using the big drum canned also tee off rhythm, let the wheat become male very surprising, and she is still female Wu Shi.
The wheat becomes an asking of male concussion way:"You are really too severe, the rhythm is so strong, have you ever played the shelf drumed?"
Bang female Wu Shi Kan of the big waist circle his one eye, the despise says:"This has what fantastic of, I have already followed the teachers to once do lion dance, playing this is drizzle."
Is violent, ability person.
Now song all complete, needs them to acquaint with a match to become, but does the singer still have no thing color, wheat become the male is not worried either, because this song rhythm is too strong, don't dub, can hardly find out felling of, so after waiting them masterly, just look for person is not late either, the most happy is the person whom they are all plays set, don't need to additionally spend to sell, Sun Xiao is also a music fan, play music to neglect everything to hate, as long as is be provided for rice to go.
Wheat's becoming male is again pulled by the treasure of Hong gold to walk for these two days and accompanied a play set to together seek a place, this film requested to the place to isn't very high, soon in the film studio can find out accommodation of one big one two sets of small houses, there is also a big warehouse, the field records to leave a constitution with play duty, ten thousand matter now are complete, owes east breeze.
The actors all have already contacted appropriate, all affairs have already readied to, the afternoon of the 18th, the treasure of Hong gold all gather the related actor and the play setses to together and finally declare in this month is also switch on to take on August 20, stay to prepare time for everyone a day.
"Etc., everyone first not the important step urgently walk, I created a song recently, make everyone listen to together, say a felling."Wheat's becoming male certainly can't pass up this person's many opportunities, new of the song give musical performance musical instrument very in brief, can not completely deduce, but also very perfect, he wants to see everyone's reflection.
Very quick farmland dint, Sun Xiao still has female Wu Shi San individual to move thing and sees the signal that the wheat becomes male, sonorous and forceful of musical sound ring get up, have to say the rhythm of this dance music too stick, after listenning to not from of wants follower rhythm to jump to move.
And this time, the wheat becomes male of the singing also ring out, this be still did he sing for the first time, just an original song was a female voice, he still had no thing color to singer and had to oneself first top, the singing was floating to start to spread, his throat has much of magnetism, the spot many young actors all followed a song to shake to have oneself's body.
"Oh, very good, listenned to and then think dancing, this feels to shock too much, are you how to thought of?"A actress runs to come over to ask wheat to become male.
"This ……be suddenly hit upon a sudden idea."The wheat becomes male Nao head to say.
She wanted to mean to say a way:"Your voice is very quite good, but still has a problem, be you just sang of have a little too a gentleness, absolutely the being like of Mian Tian is a women, not suitable for with song breeze, you have to put in own throat and find out that felling, be like a bullet felling with similar Tang,cheap beats, singing so will be definitely very perfect."
She says very to, because the is a female voice to sing of, he just was what mimicry wears to sing, so is indescribable, it is most important is leak*request song, then only completely releasing can sing a felling, the wheat becomes male open mind to teach.
The treasure of Hong gold comes over here a way:"Is small Related articles:

