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The arrows in horse falls on the ground, just Sung soldier infantry massacre iron floats to butcher of an act again time present to public, only be shot to kill of change Sung soldier ride a soldier just.
The gold soldier's iron floats to butcher quick retreat, backed to refuse in succession Ma Zi long after.In their front, assault to suffer a defeat because of the soldier of Sung, rode the disorder of soldier's troops to on the contrary obstruct behind the aggression of the infantry.
Zong Ze of the rear view war loudly appeals to the public to fall into trap, did he just also feel suspicious son, how finish Yan to believe in Han unexpectedly offend city to use of refuse Ma Zi to pull field battle battlefield to come up?He can understand and rushed through over Yan of feeling son to believe in Han early now even if account good, Sung soldier main force is infantry, as long as this infantry blunt don't come up, the gold soldier presses a root to isn't afraid of this several ten thousand Sungs to ride.
Iron after floating a Tu back to refuse a long of Ma Zi at refuse Ma Zi's bow and arrow hand immediately come down and set fire to order to refuse Ma Zi, then float with iron to butcher once 2 people ride, to gold soldier this withdraws.This refuse Ma Zi while creating of be for lighting fire to use of, the timbers not only choosing are all very dry, and top still gold soldier a little bit more only left butter all go up, it may be said see fire wear.
These big wood shelf Pa in the Mao the ground wore, can Sung country's riding a soldier is not easy to handle either, when iron floats Tu to put arrows because the whole army withdraws to slightly stops, they weigh and hurtled to come over and across refused Ma Zi to grow and make track for a shot gold soldier.
The over Yan believes in Han to roar with laughter, he wants to would be this effect.He knows it in heart, with Sung soldier infantry battle, basically could not have to move bowels proper, so fights a task definitely this time, be want to exterminate all Sung countries to ride a soldier, then the whole army withdraw to face Anne and rush through to set up Kang.Sung soldier didn't ride a soldier and wanted to make track for to inherit that Be getting more difficult, had no these ride a soldier of make track for shot to scart Rao, gold soldier then can the full speed withdraw, Sung country infantry unless is whole is a fast runner, otherwise want to catch up a gold soldier, that is pure to dream.
Indeed as expected, Sung rides just a led to spark of refuse long of Ma Zi, iron Tu floated of flew arrows then and right against the face, is really arrows rain down thick and fast, nowise showed consideration.Sung country rides a soldier and assaults and again is blocked, can be blocked and influence this time can greatly, they a deadlock at the right moment make behind following close behind since then of the infantry blocked up to refuse the behind of Ma Zi Zhen,Beats Solo HD.Refuse Ma Zhen elephant a fire wall, rode Sung soldier soldier and infantry to separate, rode a soldier be floated Tu Fang Jian's attack by iron, but the Sung soldier's bow and arrow due to emitting separating of refusing of thick smoke Ma Huo Zhen again can not return an arrows wound enemy, can allow ownly ride a soldier be floated shoot-to-kill Tu by iron.
At this time of in confusion in the battlefield, keep off the that direction gold of facing Anne's city wall Sung two riding of soldierses soldier's confused conflicts become one regiment, and medium soldier the black smoke then is billowing, run of call of in the dog dinner, who could not divide as well who.The noodles battlefield that only closes to and faces Anne is a little bit calm 1:00, because gold Sung two square who also eat and prohibit Mo Qi Zhe what mean, all fear him the time is at the key since sting son, agree the Dan soldier's big gun and believe in Ze and over Yan's believing in Han is to all once accept, don't think again taste the flavor of that"egg egg".
Iron that wins a soldier floats a Tu to see ride Sung for making track for to annihilate 7788, ten thousand men that get a soldier are long to immediately issue order to withdraw battlefield.The over Yan believes in Han to see iron float a Tu to return, he doesn't wait to remit to match as well, directly make once the ensign flick, this of brigade after the gold soldier before becoming brigade, the whole army opens toward the north to, they aren't to return to the gold camp of the north of city, but thoroughly leave to face Anne, via rush a Yang state to set up grounds like Kang,etc.
Ride a soldier with Sung soldier big brigade battle of turned a son horse to also solve combat at this time, press original plan, they would are troops after breaking and in no hurrily turn son troops horse to start withdrawing battlefield.This time, Sung soldier rides a soldier most parts drive Jian, have already completely lost fighting strength, have no dint again make track for shot, and the infantry once wore to burnablely refuse Ma Zi grow, but can not save, either that win soldier of 10,000 ride a soldier.
The general that the front leads troops tees off flag signal, asking Zong Ze has to don't make track for a shot gold soldier.Believe in Ze wry smile to shake head, also make track for what, make track for up?Draw a deep sigh, he raises hand to signal hint to issue on order a soldier to send letter number need not to make track for shot.
Looked around for a while circumferential general, believe in Ze and discover under charge of will get a complexion upset, the emperor in public escapes and then makes the sufficient person not happy of, ride a soldier now the troops whole amount be put out, gold soldier unexpectedly the whole army keep off, this battle beats short of breath pole.Believe in Ze to know now the most important is to raise morale, otherwise later whenever again and gold soldier to, the food for powder then will think of the matter of today, to the battle is consumedly disadvantageous.
Believe in Ze Gao Gao to raise lance in hand and loudly call a way:"Our victory, the gold dog escaped, the brotherses shouted together!"
Nearby will get see old general say suddenly and like this, while signing understand what is the row, together and together put a voice to shout loudly:"Our victory, the gold dog escapes, the emperor is long live!"Although everyone knows that this is to glower Jing to tell a tall tale, can how do again now?Don't shout an emperor again banzai, Zhao Gou's this emperor hereafter also need not did and had already thrown persons to all throw to die.
The Sung soldier hears the generals yell like this and also follow and shout, shouted in the beginning return bottom spirit shortage, after all they didn't truely win war, can along with shout of the person is more and more, voice more and more big, their bottoms annoy then also more and more foot, arrived to unexpectedly become everyone to think afterwards that fight a victorious battle is similar, starts congratulating each other, even lie on the wound member on the ground and also feel today this wound and is subjected to value!
The gold soldier of distance heard several 100,000 Sung soldiers' acclaims and had already all arrived underneath in the ear son to the mouth Pie.What a guy, originally this in this world most shamelessly not is face Mo Qi Zhe of the city inside of Anne, it is soldier the chief commander who leads troops to unexpectedly is Sung.
Although the moral victory method that believes in Ze is really despised by person, can this method finally developed its function.For lead troops of Zong Ze come to speak, as long as canning be steady to live morale of troops, other everythings are all next in importance, the process isn't important, the result is the most important of, as long as canning attain eyes ground, the means is what doesn't matter.
Believe in Ze to toward an under charge way:"Though this time our army loses a little bit greatly, can finally beat to run a gold soldier, we the battle eyes ground today is not for finishing kicking out Yan to believe in Han!Now that the eyes ground attain, so even if is to beat to win, everyone need not be upset, future the square is long, do accounts us with gold soldier hereafter opportunity to have plenty of."
Is many in the mind the clear mirror is general, old general this is to transfer a topic, fight soldier to lose also not is what strange matter, the strange matter is an emperor to unexpectedly abandon troops to escape this.However everyone who also not the ability back blame the behavior of emperor, everyone nods a smile and means a congratulation to"great victory" of today.
Believe in Ze to leave a troops to sweep battlefield, he leads a big brigade of Sung soldier to turn once then by himself city the headquarter of the south.Zhao Gou's leaving battlefield is getting longer and believe in Ze don't trust very much, although he has some to hate iron very much not to become the felling of steel to Zhao Gou, can this youth that is weak in character again how say to is also own emperor, had no him big Sung also thoroughly Wu country.Believing in Ze issues order that the soldier starts to blow to return in triumph number, Lei wins the drum and celebrate well after intending to return to camp some kind of, let emperor also happy.
Sung soldier big brigade to city south the in file return.
Mo Qi Zhe arrived at to face Anna door, the order defended city soldier to open city gate.He matches its Er to say with smile to the contract Dan valiant general wood:"Do you want to sign a head achievement?"
The wood matches once its Er listen to this words, red-blooded surged forward while signing head, loudly return to way:"Certainly think!The great commander soldier has an order and please though show bottom!"
Sung camp of distance of Mo Qi Zhe, way:"In a short while as we are hurtling to Sung inside in the camp,Beats by Dre Just Beats, you don't want to will get entangled in fighting with Sung and directly catch Zhao Gou then.This big Jiu son of mine recognizes very so much, he wears Huang Long Pao, Sung soldier in only his a person is this kind of foppery, so you certainly would not mistake one for another.After seeing him grasp the live, certain if live of, understand?"
The wood matches its Er to nod a way:"Though the great commander soldier trusts, this matter wraps in belonging to a body!"On standing to nail wolf tooth stick in the hand, urged a horse to in front rush out to face Anne's city,Artist Series.
Mo Qi Zhe hands over to the wood this task to match its Er, can he nearby of one person listenned to but also want to get achievement, this person would is Cao the Feng is for sky.The Cao Feng in the sky just joined military rank and file, just thinking had a great achievement to be subjected to Xun, met this kind of big achievement allowed to pass?He a speech don't deliver and by hand win the pike pole of growing the pike malicious the camp taking out to fight a horse for a while, closing on the heels of a wood to match its Er after death toward Sung hurtle.
Ten thousand horses are dashing about, the contract Dan soldier crack troops valiant general Qing within city nest but, the headquarter reaching toward runs about wildly but goes to.

The text chapter 48 reaches quilt Yan
Renew time:2008- Related articles:

