
Beats by Dre BMW nt to live The

, Ma Xiao San was slanting head to want to think, then say:"Childe Wu, smallly don't know as well what be regarded as a circumstance abnormality, they went up two one or two hours, don't know to calculate not calculate is excrescent circumstance?"
Are that several people foolish to is two hours at the top?Wu thoughts of this clearly up, didn't to heart think, but said:"Take care of his, anyway sign preparation horse to start, you called your person at underneath the on-call , after waiting me to the hand type, hurtle to the noodles on board right away."
"Know."Ma Xiao San signs a horse to echo to say, then receives own person to walk for the dynasty outside:"Walk, everyone arrives an outside to go to, call the brotherses ready to."
Ma Xiao lookinging at to leave 31 public, Wu towards Chen Yan of a head of fog water clearly, they smiled to say with smile:"Like, you all take heart for me now, according to I say of, wait bottom and then started."To beauty specially order way:"Remember just a road top for me to come to you say of?"
"Remember."The beauty ordered to nod and peeped out an excited facial expression on the face:"Too have fun, compare foolish in the temple strong Be getting tooer many, still stimulate more than afraid last time this time."

The text chapter 207 copies a ship
Renew time:2008-8-619:27:30 chapter word numbers:3429

Wu gets Chen clearly burning forbid a soldier with more than tens, full of bellicosity of up write to have toward a piece of mast'money'the ship of the big Fan of word hurtle to, arrive ship underneath, a forbid soldier put beside above last of a big piece exclusively take top in the ship of big plank, a head of towards a ship to put to pour pass by.
The wooden board takes at noodles on board, "Dong … Dong …" sound later on, once Wu Ming Shou put and say:"Walk, arrive noodles on board to go."After finishing saying in front one person hurtle up toward the noodles on board,cheap beats by dre, later on of is that Chen is burning and one many brotherses that forbid a soldier, there is also the beauty to be protected betwixt by them.
Wu Ming's feet haven't stood to settle, a public just on hurtling to the noodles on board, hear in spread a greatly drank:"What person?"The words sound just fell, see the berth of flank an inside rush out a person who takes weapon right away, all the evil spirit is very bad to hope Wu Ming Yi of guest who comes uninvited in the line.
"What is ability?Certainly is to come to loot a ship, not to, come to search your ship."Wu withdraws previous remark to say clearly:"You master who is the person ?Come quickly, we came to search a ship here and hear being a private salt of this ship, can be a lot of."
Hear'private salt'two words, not appropriate is those people's facial expression that protects a ship is tiny to change, a heel at Wu clearly after death of those forbade soldier facial expression to also change, smuggling the salt is what offense, even the child also knows.
"Who, is who?"In berth after spreading a such an appeal sound, see rush out of a public in inside separate a way, have a 30 many,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, lift a knife in the hand, the guy having pugnacious looks walks to front, hope Wu Ming's a group of people, on the face exert is regard with hostility of feeling, greatly drink a track:"Who are you ?Why did you run to this noodles on board?"
"Qiang" is a , Chen is burning for the sake of the safety wear think, drew out right away waist in of long the knife hold in hand, a face vigilance of hope oneself opposite of several 10 people, he after death more than tens forbid a soldier to also draw a knife and hope forward.
Wu says clearly:"Who are we ?Come to this to do what, does that still use to ask?Tell you, we are authoritieses middleman, come up to check to pay this noodles on board hides to have of private salt, the words knowing to think still move out of the way not and quickly and quickly, this ship in hide of private salts all hand in, with the criminal acts that this eases you, in case when the time comes together will you all to grasp a big hall noodles, when the time comes with grave crime disorderly place."
"Joke, you say that you are authorities middlemen, will we believe?"After that person listenned to the words that Wu say clearly, although the facial expression changes, still strong say with a smile:"This of ship is you generally up can ascend up, want how how of?Also not find out pry, this back the person of the noodles is what person,Beats by Dre BMW, dare to ask for a person like that, dislike a life Be getting longer?"
Wu clearly the cold voice is in response to the way:"Joke, you take me for fool, will not know to is who?Is it male to isn't Wang Zhen princes and dukes?"This old eunuch, true owners all think that he is a piece of placard to add pass, is the ability popular everywhere?
The words heard Wu say clearly, that person's facial expression is tiny to change, not from of making a noise and asking way:"Who are you ?Daring to say so princes and dukes is male, your courage is also a lot too big."
Wu says clearly:"You also really don't say, my Wu clearly another of have no, is this courage to have a little greatly.BE saying, this transporting illegally salt is to behead grave crime, princes and dukes Mr. Wang Zhen how could it be doesn't know of reason, is his also knowing perfectly welling this an offense but do?You this is the behavior of the Wu Mie princes and dukes Mr., think male party in government of princes and dukes in is what kind of a person, is what you can compare."
"What, are you Wu Ming?"Hear Wu clearly from the report family, once that big fellow facial expression change, then on grinding teeth, loudly shout a way:"Everyone's son shoulder to shoulder son up, killed clearly for Wu, who if killed him, the rich reward is 1,002 silvers."After finishing saying on taking out knife, will dash forward to come forward.
"Stop!"The Wu Ming Yi greatly drinks and call is red because of but the eye want to hurtle to come forward come of a public, toward them to say:"You really ate the bear heart leopard son Dan, incredibly dare to beat Lao Tze's idea, doing not see me as well after death these people is what position, incredibly dare to literally fight with weapons to fight with weapons.Come, Chen Xiong, take out the waist card of your palace guards, incredibly want to forbid soldier to move knife, didn't want to live."
The order that hears Wu Ming, Chen Yan's wry smile for a while, however now all in noodles on board, have to take out, either them forbid the authorities waist that the soldier is used card, is signed to a front, loudly shout a way:"We are to forbid a soldier, incredibly dare with forbid soldier to fight with weapons, do you want to rebel?"
Hear'rebel'two words, once one public facial expression change, this offense can greatly, if oneself is O.K. grasped, can if brought trouble family, that affair that is impending, result very of severity.Especially they these river lake middleman, if drive authorities in person on listing as wanted, regardless is who, at river lake in want to have a foothold very difficult, come out to mix, fame is most important.
Wu Ming accepts the facial expression on their face to the utmost eye bottom, immediately after say:"You who if don't know an actual situation, dare words that toward my fight with weapons, I promise to move a clear emperor when the time comes, next Imperial decree, make him copy your family, put out blood relationses all not a problem.Sold for transporting illegally salt to throw life, don't know that you are worth unworthy?Know interesting words still quickly of the Shan arrive a part, otherwise etc.'s descending you is getting tooer late to regret."
Opposite of a public listenned to Wu say clearly of words after, all take to have intention to a dynamic evidence on the face, take in the hand of knife not from of lightly put down, don't wear to think for oneself, also want to wear to think for in home, disaster and whole family the old and the young aren't what oneself can can bear responsibility.
See oneself's one many facial expressions on the under charge faces, that the big fellow facial expression for taking the lead hasty:"Everyone doesn't want to listen to his, as long as taking down he and appreciate silver 2,002, this silver was yours when the time comes.And Qian Jia as long as get to authorities in beat to order for a while, will definitely peace of, you don't know this back is what person?"
Hear this guy incredibly dare also say like this this time, Wu Ming Nu, toward an underneath on putting, then to Chen Yan Dao:"Chen Xiong bothers you up and interrupt the thing for barking hand and foot.Depend, incredibly dares to take my head to be silver to sell, just be worth 2,002 silvers, Ya of, really his mama of recklessly and blindly do."
The signal that sees Wu Ming, stand a many Gais by the side of the port help pupil"Hua" of an all rounded to come over, give°ed a not small ship to round, all full of bellicositily and with an upward exposure the noodles hope.
See arrive suddenly don't know where run No.100 of the person give°ed the ship to round to get up, the persons on the ship all once the facial expression change, especially that takes the lead of person, fear in the heart of the feeling is big prosperous, frightened of hope toward Wu Ming, especially hear Wu clearly call forbid soldier to interrupt his/her own hand and foot, spread all over to fear on the face of feeling.
Is just so-called kind not, the future isn't kind, although oneself's a group of people has preparation, can compare with opponent, regardless is a number up, still everyone noodles top all bad ascend many.
Chen Yan hears Wu make oneself begin clearly, on the face although have a difficult color, however still listen to his order Related articles:

